“We have a unique opportunity to celebrate glass. Glass is endlessly recycleble, guarantees quality and safety no matter how many times it’s recycled and it’s virtually inert. It’s the healthy choice, it’s beautiful, it builds brands, and it’s loved by people of all generations. That’s what makes it the perfect choice for brands, retailers and consumers alike.” Aldus Vitaliano Torno, voorzitter van de Europese glasindustrie FEVE bij de opening van het International Year of Glass van de Verenigde Naties in Genève. Glazen verpakkingen zijn circulair en dragen bij aan het realiseren van de UN Sustainable Development Goals. “Europe enjoys the world’s highest glass recycling rates, and significant progress has been made in glass manufacturing in recent years to increase sustainable production and consumption. There is further potential to progress towards a climate-neutral Circular Economy, by moving to renewable energies and advancing the sustainable use of natural resources. This all starts with encouraging more people to choose and recycle glass, to appreciate its recycling and reuse as an inherent part of our future consumption patterns, and to do it right, so that more glass ends back in new production loops”, voegt John Parker van het International Year of Glass council toe. Meer weten? Deelnemen? Ga naar de website van the UN International Year of Glass.
Categories: Algemeen, Consument, Gemeente, Producent / Importeur
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